Thanks for being here!
I started blogging way back in 2005. In those nearly-20 years, I have written my way through parenting, divorce, single-parenting, empty-nesting, moving, job changes, spirituality, deconstruction, patriarchy, and so much more. In that same time-period, I’ve been writing (and finally publishing) my book, Rewriting Eve: Rescuing Women’s Stories from the Bible and Reclaiming Them as Our Own.
Writing is, for me, the way I make sense of my world, express my deepest heart, and create both conversation and community with others.
I’m profoundly grateful you are here.
I hope you’ll subscribe.
It is a huge affirmation of my writing, my voice, my thoughts and ideas and passions. But even more than all this, I want you to receive my weekly posts. Though it may sound a bit cliché, it’s no less true: they are from my heart to yours.
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Be part of a group of people who share similar hopes and doubts, beliefs and questions, interests and curiosity. Conversation. Chats. Direct and personable ways of connecting and relating. Mmmm. How great is this?
Be an advocate
Writing can, at times, feel a bit like an echo chamber. It is easy to wonder if one’s words have impact and meaning beyond the writer herself. When you subscribe to my Substack or anyone else’s, you are saying, “I hear you.” “You matter.” “Keep writing.” Thank you!
Be encouraged
My deepest and ongoing hope is to offer you the insight, perspective, and wisdom that is already yours. And if you ever wonder or forget, it is what you’ll find in my writing, to be sure!